Saturday, May 29, 2010

Introductory comments

The first time Scott mentioned hiking in Scotland, I thought he was kidding. Well, maybe not kidding, but I really did not think he wanted me to go. How I took the conversation was in the same way you would see someone you haven’t seen in a really long time, and would earnestly say, “we must get together for lunch. I will call you next week,” when you have absolutely no intention in calling them at all. As time went on, I got how serious he was about going on this trip. It took longer for me to get that he wanted me to go with him. AND that he wanted this to be a family trip maybe including his brother and wife, but no one else.

“Mom, check out this trip – you don’t have to sleep on the ground. Day hikes in Scotland and they move your luggage from Bed and Breakfast to Bed and Breakfast.” How odd that he would look for a trip like that. He loves to backpack. His excitement level – indeed his passion for life has grown exponentially since joining an outdoor club. So then I thought he was planning this trip for his outdoor club and I could go if I wanted to. He was in the planning and training program for being a leader in the outdoor club, so this might be one that he would plan for them and I could be included. I was honored that he would include me in a trip with his outdoor buddies. Over the next month, whenever I would see him he would talk about the possibility of this trip. We would go in August or September of either 2011 or 2012 after he completed his Bachelor’s degree. It wasn’t until we were at his brother and wife’s house having a family dinner that it started to dawn upon me what he was asking of me – actually what the invitation was. I had called his cousin in New Mexico to request copies of some family genealogy and mentioned to him about the trip to Scotland. Tim said he might want to go too. After I got off the phone, Scott got really upset and said this was a trip just for the two of us. Older brother and wife could go, too, but that was all of who was invited. What about the outdoor club? Oh, he might plan a trip to Scotland with them at a later date, but this one was just for family – immediate family.

So this was the good news and the bad news. The good news was that we were planning this fabulous family vacation in Scotland. The bad news was that I had many concerns about what it would take for me to go on this trip. This would take a major commitment on my part to train for 12-17 miles hiking daily for five or six days. The present inventory at the time I realized he was serious and this was what I wanted to do was this: At age 61, I had never hiked anything like this. Sure I had done some day hikes throughout the years, but nothing like this. I had been an avid swimmer, and in my 30’s started swimming consistently gradually working up to swimming one mile several times a week. I still do that. Hiking uses different muscles. In the past my knees had bothered me. About ten years ago THE knee man at a major university hospital had told me that I needed to have knee replacement in both knees. I told him, “thank you for sharing,” and never went back. The consistent use of MSN, Glucosamine, and later antioxidants seemed to address the major problems with them. Not like I was going to run a marathon, but after using them, I was able to dance (oh, and how I love to dance…) and start hiking a local mountain trail that I had avoided for years. So, it seems I had that problem at least somewhat addressed. Another physical problem that I need to address is my feet. The balls of both of my feet had periodically given me problems in the last 15 years. Good boots would help, and there would be some other things to address for this to work. I am at least 25 – 50 pounds heavier than I would like to be for this trip. If I could drop the pounds, that would account for the extra day pack weight I would need to carry.

The last concern was, “Where on earth is the money coming from for this trip?” My personal financial state is a mess. Having focused on the nonprofit I founded, stuff happened, I got myself in a financial crunch. I have only worked about two weeks this year. Presently there are creditors calling and I am behind on my house payments. However, if I wait until I have the finances handled I may get the finances handled and not be in shape for this trip. And the planning of this trip is important. There is an opportunity for family that would not be possible in the planning of this trip. And even if we never go on this trip, the opportunity for how we are being with our personal intentions, the conversations, and how we are being with each other – what there is to do is to go for it.

So, it has been five months since Scott first suggested it. I have not lost any weight so far. However, I first started walking in my neighborhood – half a mile, then a mile, then a mile and a half, then two miles, then moving to the national park trails. Right now I am up to 3.7 miles hiking in the trails and am averaging under a 20 minute mile. I only hike two to three days a week and still swim twice a week. The swimming is necessary as it addresses some possible back problems. My children gave me a gift card from REI for Mother’s Day, and yesterday I bought new boots. They are ugly, but felt comfy in the store. And I can take them back at any time if they don’t work. So begins my blog.

My intention with this blog is to keep me committed to the project. That I have committed to let others know about this puts my butt on the line (and right now that is a really big butt). So it is all about me. If you are reading this and happen to find something in my sharing that assists you in making a commitment you don’t know how to accomplish, then great. Please share. Life is an incredible journey and is made more delicious by our connections and support of each other.


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