Monday, October 4, 2010

5.5 miles two days in a row, and the mountain to boot

Epson Salts and the mechanical bubble machine for my tub only marginally helped the sore muscles. Maybe I did not drink enough water during and after Saturday's hike. Perhaps it was because these were the first hikes using a day pack (and I added a quart of water). Could be because I was actually hiking Kennesaw Mountain (1000 foot rise over one mile) instead of some of the lesser trails. However, if the old saying, "no pain, no gain" is accurate, I gained a LOT this weekend in my training. And I am still very sore this morning.

Scott came over one day last week and we were talking about what was next for me to work toward. He had said that once I did 10 miles in a day that we would do Springer Mountain, the approach to the Appalachian Trail from Amacola Falls. We researched and found that a really good weekend would be to spend two nights at the Lynnfoot Hike Inn. That would mean a 5 mile hike on Friday and Sunday and the sprint to Springer on Saturday. We can do the weekend for the two of us for $400, so that is something else to put into the budget. That trip sounded doable last Wednesday. Today I am not so sure. To train for Springer means that rather than do the loop trail at Kennesaw Mountain which is what I did for the last two days, to do just the mountain up and down a few times. Right now I am not inspired.

I might feel better if I went to swim before I go to work, but not sure I can make it. Theresa has promised a massage soon in payment for my feeding her cats lots this summer when she has been out of town. This will be a REALLY good week to have that.

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