Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Boots and Breakthroughs!

It has been almost three weeks since my last entry. When I am having challenges, I don't want to tell anyone. I will willingly share after I figure it out and have the breakthrough. It is all about "looking good" and not wanting to admit to anyone that there is anything I cannot figure out by myself. Being vulnerable scares me.

So, here are the breakthroughs: I have new hiking boots, and started building up my distance again. My left foot was still having this issue - seemingly around the joint in the main part of the foot attached to the second toe. At my monthly visit this past week with chiropractor Dr. David Lee, he listened attentively at my complaint and then said, "Now, Mary, we will find out what is REALLY going on." He proceeded to muscle test the different organs in my body and my spleen went weak. He continued, "Mary, do you know the emotional issue attached to the spleen?" Nope. "Self esteem," he said, "You got something going on about your confidence in actually being able to do this hiking trip, don't you?" I immediately felt the emotion come up. Yep, something to address. He continued to adjust and used his vibrating tool on the side of my leg and my foot (the one that hurts like hell until you quit tensing and just relax) and it started immediately feeling better. "Knowing the personal self development work you do, just knowing the source of your foot pain may give you the tools you need to deal with this," he said, "but if you need some assistance, let me know."

Okey dokey! One more issue addressed.

AND I have a new job! The company I am working with contracts with Medicaid to provide services for clients with a mental health diagnosis. My job is in address the vocational rehabilitation aspects and assist with housing for our clients. These folks are not appropriate for regular vocational rehabilitation services. Some are stable enough to work a few hours a week with some support from us. I will be advocating for our clients with businesses close to where they live. This week I have been looking for subsidized independent housing for them as well. The job is proving to be fun, frustrating, exciting, rewarding, overwhelming, and more - down in the trenches social work - just the kind of job for me!! This new employment will give me the opportunity to get my finances in order and have the money to take the trip!!! YIPPEE!! Life is good.

I hiked the loop of Burnt Hickory to Dallas Hwy this morning - 3.7 miles. Feet good. Legs good. Knees good. Lungs good. Back on schedule. I think with my work schedule and my hiking mostly on weekends now, the way I will increase my distance is to hike twice on Saturdays - morning and late afternoons.

1 comment:

  1. My experience with meeting my goals is it helps to let others know (and you have done that for sure with this blog) so they can encourage you by holding you accountable. I am committing to supporting you in this endeavor by walking with you next saturday morning, just tell where to meet you and when and I will be there.
