Sunday, August 12, 2012


The reservations are made. We will be gone for two weeks, and besides the hiking trip, we will be spending time in Edinburgh. There will also be a couple of days when Scott will go his way and I will go mine. Mine will be spent in Inverness at Kilrovok Castle, the ancestral home of the Roses. Rose is my maiden name, and the castle is now a B&B, and I have reservations. WE LEAVE IN TWO WEEKS!!! Lots has happened since the last post. In May I spent some time with my awesome coach, Regina Reiter in Virginia, staying at The Dutch Haus B&B in Montebello. During hiking season, Lois and Earl Arnold transform their home into a hiking hostel catering to through hikers on the Appalachian Trail. All the rooms have bunk beds in them during this time of the year, and are so comfy. There were lots of different people and backgrounds and stories to tell. Rates are reasonable and Earl and Lois provide transport to and from hiking trails. Dinner is provided at an additional charge. The food is plentiful and tasty. Regina was the ridge runner for 80 miles of the Appalachian Trail in that area. For three days I hiked - some with Regina and some with others who were taking some time off the trail to do day hikes during this section. Also during this vacation, I spent some time at the VA farm, and with friends in the Spruce Pine, NC area. Coming down to the wire on the training - hiked 12 miles yesterday and 12 today on the Kennesaw Mountain trails, including hiking the mountain section, sometimes more than once. My feet hurt and I have blisters. AND I am encouraged to look at older posts of when I was excited that I had hiked 6 miles. The plan is to hike around Ammacolila Falls next weekend - the last major training before I leave. This has been an incredible two and a half years in training.


  1. AND Lois' niece Hanna was a great support for whatever needed to get done, AND she is a senior in college majoring in Social Work! We had great conversations. I wanna go back.

  2. You are so inspiring, Mary! I've seen you discouraged, but never quitting. Your vision of hiking with ease so you can be with Scott has never wavered. It's been a pleasure supporting you. Now, you're a long distance hiker, walking one day at a time into your adventure. Yep. Sometimes there are sore feet and surprise blisters. And, when standing on the mountaintops, feeling rain, wind, sun, and companionship, it's all worth it!

  3. What an amazing journey!! Mary, you are great inspiration! Can't wait to hear about your trip.
