Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I met a man on the mountain today.

I met a man on the mountain today.
He: Do you hike up the mountain often?
Me: This or other trails pretty often.
He: I have been hiking this section for the last three months every day, weather permitting. You see, I have five grandchildren. They are so full of energy. I started seeing how out of shape I am and how important it is for me to be more active.
Me: Yes, I know how important that is. My son has asked me to go hiking in Scotland with him in 15 months, so I am in training.
He: I really fear becoming disabled and my children having to take care of me. I think that if I take better care of myself they will not have to do that. I think that if I knew I would be disabled, I would drive my truck off a cliff rather than have that happen.
Me: I took care of my in-laws years ago, and assisted in the care of my parents as well. What was wonderful about my parents is that they were gracious enough to allow me to handle things for them and assist them when they could not do something. Sometimes my in-laws fought having someone assist them. For me, it was a profound privilege for me to care for them during the times I did. For them to resist did not honor the contribution I wanted to be for them.
He: I never thought of it that way.
Me: There are many ways to look at aging......... there are many ways to look at death......... there are many ways to look at life.........

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